…What then is it?

If Judaism is not a religion, what then is it? It is a portable suitcase of language, tradition, values, hopes, aspirations, and culture all packed into one place for a certain group of people in order to retain their identity as they traveled from country to country. That is, the term Judaism is simply a […]

Judaism is not a religion

I can’t really debate anymore. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that what we debate is really unimportant. What do I mean? When someone asks me to be open-minded, what they’re really saying is, “I want you to think like me.” Which means before we even begin the conversation, I already have […]

The Israelite Code

What is the Torah meant for? As I wrote about earlier, I had for many years been searching for the meaning to this question. I believe now, I have found it. The purpose of Judaism, of the Torah, of the Israelite Code, is to live ethically. Like that game of word association where someone says […]

Love: The Message

From the beginning of my life, my leaders were my teachers. And they still are, today: Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Rabbi Tovia Singer and Manis Friedman – these are learners and teachers, switching from one to the other so quickly they blur the line between them. By being one, they are at once obligated to […]

Study vs Study

Is there a point to studying Torah with a Christian? I don’t mean it in some bigoted sense, I mean it in an academic sense. I get invited to Bible studies every so often (why they continue to invite me is beyond me) and I’m always unsure of how to let them down. It’s strange […]

A copy

I used to think that Christianity was some transposed filter sitting over the Jewish writings, the Torah. I looked at the Christian Bible as some top-sitting ideology, of which Judaism was just underneath. Like accepting Judaism was just one giant rejection of that looming tower sitting right on top and in front of me. Well, […]