

The term is Hebrew for ‘meditation’.

The goal of meditation is to bring one’s self to a state of spiritual purity.  There are of course other means by which one can achieve spiritual purity, but the sole purpose of meditation itself, though there are many benefits and side effects, is to clear one’s spiritual path. The final end goal of meditation is to achieve enlightenment.

And what is the purpose of enlightenment? 

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To raise your soul up and attach yourself more closely to the  Creator. Further, the level we attain on this earth is the level we will have achieved and experience as we move on into new worlds after this one.

This world is not an illusion but an opportunity.

We are here to raise our souls up as much as we can, and come as close to The Source as possible. That is our meter, our gauge: the closer we are on earth indicates the level our souls will be at in the next journey.

Everything affects our spiritual level and our path of enlightenment.

Physical actions can and do affect the level of the soul and the very state of enlightenment itself. One action in the physical world can risk our soul or immediately move us from enlightenment to non-enlightenment. We must remember that once we achieve enlightenment, we have to take care of it, for enlightenment is not a goal to be achieved, but a path to be walked.

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