The ER

ER stands for Emergency Room. Here, it means Ethical Refinement.

What a perfect fit.

The entire purpose of life is character refinement and ethical self-development. The Torah tells us clearly why God chose Abraham, and his family to become a nation: “For I have singled him out in order that he may instruct his children and his posterity to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just.” (Gen 18:19)

Judaism regards improving character as the central goal of life.

  • If you offer personal prayers to God for your well-being and care, pray for others before you pray for yourself. This opens up our compassion and makes us realize our situation might not be as bad as we think. Further, the compassion we have on others should be reciprocated to us, then, by God. First, seek to help others. Then the Universe will seek to help you.


  • How often do we hear parents brag about the kindness of their children? True, I frequently hear parents saying “Hey, be nice” or something like that. But actual bragging? Don’t we usually hear people boast of achievements in sports or physical, material gains? Yet, which is harder to achieve? Physical goods which are produced non-stop? Or ethics, manners and kindness, which are to be worked on our whole lives?


  • One reason we might have a favorable view of ourselves over others is that we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their acts. Perhaps it should be the other way around.